- Community Fund Donations
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- Community Fund Donation
Community Fund Donation
According to evidence, hiring a doula to attend your birth is associated with a reduced risk of unnecessary interventions, c-sections and dissatisfaction with the birth experience. It has been proven that doulas really do make a difference! However, due to a variety of factors, not every person who wants a doula will be able to obtain one.
In this recession many more members of our community are finding it difficult to pay their bills and stay afloat financially. For this reason, hiring a doula may not be a reasonable part of many people's budget. We also know that racism, discrimination, homophobia and other oppressive attitudes still exists in our birthing systems, and because of this for people from marginalized communities, hiring a support person and advocate may be an actual necessity. For one of these reasons, or the many otters reasons, we need to expand the access to doula support in our community!
Full Circle Birth Collective's Community Fund is a reserve of funding for doula care for members of our community who would benefit from doula care but we not otherwise be able to access it. Whether big or small, 100% of your generous donation will go towards building this reserve and funding a doula for someone who really needs it.
Donate today and help us help improve the birth experiences of as many community members as we can!