. Many people know that a birth doula can help birthing families navigate through labour and birth, educating and informing them and helping them feel supported and cared for amongst the many countless hours as they anticipate the arrival of their little one. Did you know that there are similar specialists for AFTER the birth? The Postpartum Doula is someone trained specifically to help families through this very special and sacred period as they get to know their new baby, this time may be referred to as the fourth trimester. The 4th Trimester is a term coined by Dr. Harvey Karp, renowned pediatrician, child development specialist, and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the USC School of Medicine. The concept of the fourth trimester is one of adjustment and transition for the family and the newborn, as well as development of parental understanding as they strengthen their connection to their newborn baby. The postpartum doula is educated and knowledgeable in normal newborn care, adjustments for the postpartum recovery, postpartum mood disorders, bonding and attachment, feeding methods, sibling support and house hold management to name a few. Studies have shown that when families have this type of support around them in the first few weeks that they are able to ease into this new role with less stress, are able to catch up on sleep and cope better with the demands of being a new parent. This has shown to support families emotionally and physically allowing for better bonding, fewer incidences of postpartum disorders and families feeling empowered. All of which are integral to a healthy postpartum transition. Many people rely on family and friends to help and this can be wonderful for those who have that support, but there are many benefits of hiring a professional doula to schedule time in with you when perhaps others are living busy lives and have varied schedules. A postpartum doula is someone who won’t take your parenting decisions personally and who is solely there to support you as a parent and tend to your needs, nurturing and caring for you, so you can enjoy the special moments with you new little one. "Nurture the family, so they can nurture their newborn" |
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September 2024